Multiplication of two digits
Type1– If last digit of both No. SUM is 10 and First digit is SAME no.
Step 1- First we multiply last digit of both no. here 8 and 2 are last digit
8*2 =16———-(1)
Step 2- First digit of both No same.. here it is 6
now we find next no. after 6 7 so we multiply with 6*7
at Last your final answer is = 4216
Type 2- If SUM of First digit of both No. is 10 and Last digit of both No. SAME
Step1- Multiply (Square) last Same No. Here is 9
9*9=81——— (1)
Step 2- Multiply first digit of both No . then add Last digit (Same No.)
Now at last your answer is- 3381
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