Important Days

Army Corsp Establishment Day January 1
Infant Protection Day Januray 7
African National Congress Foundation Day January 8
NRI Day January 9
National Youth Day January 12
Army Day January 15
International Custom Duty Day, Indian Tourism Day January 25
Republic Day (India), International Customs Day;Law Day January 26
International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian January 29
Martyrs’ Day (India), World Leprosy Eradication Day January 30
Sarvodaya Day January 30
Rose Day February 12
Sarojini Naidu’s Birth Anniversary February 13
World Marriage Day Second Sunday of Februrary. (February 13)
Valentine Day February 14
Delhi Police Day, National Day, Lithuania February 16
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram Day Feburary 20
Mother Tongue Day (World) February 21
Central Excise Day February 24
National Science Day February 28
National Safety Day May 4
International Women’s Day International Literacy Day
March 8
World Kidney Day May 9
CISF Foundation Day May 12
World Consumer Day May 14
World Disabled Day World Consumer Rights Day March 15
World Forestry Day International Day for Elimination of Racial March 21
World Day for Water March 22
World Meteorological Day March 23
Ram Manohar Lohia’s Birth Day (Anniversary) March 23
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru’s Martyrdam Day March 23
World TB Day March 24
Rural Postal Life Insurance Day March 24
National Day of Bangladesh March 26
World Threatre Day March 27
National Day, Senegal April 4
National Maritime Day April 5
SPG(Special Protection Group) April 7
World Health Day April 7
CRPF Valour Day April 9
Water Resources Day/National Survey Day April 10
World Homeopathy Day (Birth day of Samuel Hanimen) April 10
B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day, Fire Extinguishing Day April 14
National Day, Syria World Haemophilia Day April 17
World Heritage Day National Day Zimbabwe April 18
Secretaries’s Day,Indian Civil Service Day April 21
Earth Day April 22
World Books and Copyright Day April 23
Panchayat Divas April 24
National Day, Tanzania April 26
South Africa Freedom Day April 27
Worker’s Day (International Labour Day) May 1
World Asthma Day First Tuesday of May
World Press Freedom Day May 3
Coal Miner’s Day May 4
World Red Cross Day May 8
World Migratory Birds Day May 8
World Laughter Day First Sunday of May
World Mother’s Day Second Sunday of May
World Thalassaemia Day May 9
National Technology Day May 11
International Nurses day May 12
Natioanl Solidarity Day May 13
International Day of the Family May 15
World Telecommunication Day May 17
Anti-Terrorism Day May 21
National Day, Yemen May 22
Africa Day May 23
Commonwealth Day May 24
National Day, Argentina May 25
Death Anniversary of Jawahar Lal Nehru May 27
National Day, Ethiopia May 28
Everest Day May 29
Anti-Tobacco Day (No Smoking Day) May 31
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 4
World Environment Day June 5
National Day, Sweden June 6
National Day, Portugal June 10
National Day, Seychelles June 14
World Blood Donation Day June 14
World Consumer Rights Day World June 15
National Day, Iceland June 17
Father’s Day Third Sunday of June
World Refugee Day June 20
U.N. Charter Signing Day June 25
International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking June 26
Poor’s Day June 28
National Day, Congo June 30
Doctor’s Day (Birth of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy) July 1
State Bank of India Foundation Day July 1
American Independence Day July 4
World Zoonosis Day July 6
World Population Day July 11
Kargil Memorial Day July 26
World Breast Feeding Day August 1-7
International Friendship Day August 3
World Peace Day, Hiroshima Day August 6
World Senior Citizen’s Day August 8
Quit India Day Nagasaki Day August 9
World Youth Day August 12
Indian Independence Day August 15
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People August 18
Photography Day August 19
Sabdhavna Divas August 20
National Sports Day (Birth Day of Dhyanchand) August 29
Small Industry Day August 30
World Yoga Day September 2
Coconut Day September 2
Teacher’s Day (Birth Day of S.Radhakrishan) September 5
Sanskrit Day September 5
Forgiveness Day September 7
World (International) Literacy Day September 8
Hindi Day September 14
All India Flag Day September 15
Engineer’s Day September 15
World Ozone Day September 16
RPF(Railway Protection Force) Foundation Day September 20
Alzheimer’s Day September 21
Day for Peace & Non-Violence (UN) September 21
Rose Day (Welfare of Cancer Patients) September 22
World Heart Day, Social Justice Day International Tiger Day September 25
Day of the Deaf September 26
World Tourism Day September 27
International Day of the Elderly October 1
Gandhi Jayanti, International Day of Non-Violence October 2
Lal Bahadur Shastri’s Birth Anniversary October 2
World Animal Day October 2
World Vegetarian Day October 2
World Habitat Day October 3
World Animal Welfare Day October 4
World Teacher’s Day October 5
World Wild Animal Day October 6
Indian Air Force Day October 8
World Post Office Day October 9
National Post Day October 10
World Sight Day Second Thrusday of October
UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction October 13
World Standards Day October 14
World White Cane Day (guiding the blind) October 15
World Food Day October 16
World Allergy Awareness Day October 16
Police Commemoration Day October 21
UN Day October 24
World Development Information Day October 24
Infants Day October 27
World Thrift Day October 30
National Rededication Day October 31
National Integration Day October 31
Death Anniversary of Indira Gandhi October 31
Legal Services Day November 9
Children’s Day November 14
World Diabetes Day November 14
International Day for Endurance November 16
National Journalism Day November 17
World Adult Day November 18
World Citizen’s Day November 19
Universal Children’s Day November 20
Africa Industrialisation Day November 20
World Television Day November 21
National Law Day November 26
World Environment Protection Day December 26
International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People November 29
World AIDS Day December 1
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery December 2
World Disabled Day December 3
Chemical Accidents Prevention Day December 4
Navy Day December 4
International Volunteers Day December 5
Armed Forces Flag Day December 7
International Civil Aviation Day December 7
Girl Child Day (Balika Divas), India December 9
International Human Rights Day December 10
World Children’s Fund Day December 11
Natioinal Energy Conversation Day December 14
Liberation Day of Goa December 19
Farmer’s Day (Kisan Day, Birthday of Chaudhary Charan Singh)
December 23

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