1. Indian Constitution came into force on:
A. November 26, 1949
B. January 26, 1950
C. September 26, 1949
D. August 15, 1947
2. By whom the Constitution of India was adopted?
A. Parliament of India
B. People of India
C. Constituent Assembly
D. Members of Lok Sabha
3. The chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India was:
A. Dr Rajendra Prasad
B. Dr B R Ambedkar
C. Pt Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Shri KM Munshi
4. Who among the following was not a member of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
A. Sir Aladi K Ayar
B. Dr Rajendra Prasad
C. NG Ayyangar
D. Dr BR Ambedkar
5. What is the other name of India mentioned in our Constitution?
A. Bharatvarsha
B. Bharat
C. Hindustan
D. No other name
6. The Constitution of India can be said to be:
A. flexible
B. rigid
C. a mixture of rigidity and flexibility
D. None of the above
7. Preamble means:
A. the preface of a book
B. preface, introduction especially that of an act of Parliament stating its aims & objectives
C. the head of a body
D. the top most portion of anything
8. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution serves the purpose of:
A. indicating that the authority of the Government is derived from the people
B. pointing out what the people expect the Government of India to accomplish
C. helping judges to interpret various provisions of the Constitution properly
D. all of the above
9. Which of the following are the ideals set forth in the Preamble?
A. Social, economic and political justice
B. Equality of status and of opportunity
C. Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship
D. All of these
10. How many times has the Preamble to the Constitution of India been amended?
A. Once(ask in NVS 2014)
B. Twice
C. Thrice
D. Never
11. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution says:
A. we, the members of the Constituent Assembly…. Adopt enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
B. we, the people of Indian …. Adopt, enact and give to the citizens this Constitution
C. we, the people of India … in our Constituent Assembly .. adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
D. we, the citizens of India … adopt enact and give to ourselves this Constitution
12. India is a:
A. secular State
B. bilingual State
C. communist State
D. capitalist State
13. What is the literal meaning of secularism?
A. Freedom to worship any God
B. Death of religion
C. Separation of Church from the state
D. None of these
14. Which are the implications of Indian being a secular state?
A. There is no ethnic or religious majority or minority
B. State has no religion of its own
C. Religion will be regarded as a private affair
D. All of the above
15. The term “Secularism” connotes that
A. religions are patronised by the state
B. religion cannot be publicly practised
C. there is no discrimination between religions nor is there any patronisation or condemnations of any religion by the state
D. None of the above is true
16. Match the following features of the Indian Constitution and their sources:
List I: Feature
a. Bill of Rights and Judicial Review
b. Parliamentary System of Democracy
c. Directive Principles
d. Residuary Powers with Centre
List II: Source
1. England
2. Ireland
3. USA
4. Canada
A. 4a, 1b, 2c, 3d
B. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d
C. 3a, 4b, 2c, 1d
D. 3a, 1b, 2c, 4d
17. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the structure of the Union Government?
A. It is unitary
B. It is federal
C. It is federal in peace times and unitary in emergencies
D. It is unitary in peace times and federal in emergencies
18. In a federal set-up of government, the powers are divided between the:
A. Centre and the Units
B. Houses of the Legislature
C. Executive and the Legislature
D. President and the Cabinet
19. Which off the following is not the federal feature of the Indian Constitution?
A. There is distribution of Powers in accordance with 2 lists
B. Written and rigid constitution
C. Independent Judiciary
D. All of the above
20. Which of the following provisions in the Constitution make Indian Constitution unitary in sprit?
A. Parliament can make laws for the states under some circumstances
B. Provision for All Indian Services
C. Power to propose amendment in the Constitution are vested only in the Union Parliament
D The authority of the Comptroller and Auditor General
E. All of the above
21. Which of the following are the unitary features of the Constitution?
A. The Proclamation of National Emergency
B. President can take over the administration of any State if constitutional machinery breaks down
C. Single citizenship
D. Single unified judiciary
E. All of the above
22. The Constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian Federation from the Constitution of:
B. Canada
C. Ireland
23. The Constitution of India bears the influence of the constitution of several countries. Which country exerts the greatest influence in the framing of the “Directive Principles of State Policy” in our constitution?
A. Ireland
B. France
C. Japan
24. The Directive Principles of the State Policy:
A. were in the original Constitution
B. forms a separate part of the Constitution
C. were added by the 46the Amendment to the Constitution
D. None of the above is true
25. Which one of the following statements is most appropriate about the Directive Principles of State Policy?
A. They are enforceable in a court of law
B. They are enforced by the President
C. They are enforced by the Law Minister
D. They are fundamental Principles of governance of the country
26. The Directive Principles:
A. aim at establishing welfare state of Gandhian conception
B. aim at giving ideals to be incorporated at a later stage
C. aim at giving support to the Fundamental Rights
D. A and B only
27. What objectives Indian Government is required to pursue in International relations by the Directive Principles?
A. To promote international peace and security
B. To maintain just and honourable relations between nations
C. To foster respect for international law and treaty obligations
D. To encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration
E. All of the above
28. The part of the Constitution which gives some positive directions to the state as well as the government towards achieving progress and all-round development of the people is known as:
A. Directive Principles of State Policy
B. Citizenship
C. Fundamental Rights
D. Preamble
29. Are the Directive Principles enforceable in the Courts?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Some of them
D. None of these
30. The Directive Principles of State Policy aim at:
A. establishing social and economic justice in the country
B. ensuring the smooth functioning of democracy
C. giving extra-Constitutional power to the Government
D. None of these
31. The purpose behind an adjournment motion is:
A. to get the sitting adjourned
B. to inviter the attention of the House to a matter of urgent public importance
C. to seek recess for the House to discuss urgent matter in groups
D. to postpone introduction of a Bill in the House
32. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The adoption of Uniform Civil Code, though mentioned in the Constitution of India is yet to be accomplished.
Reason (R): Directive Principles are non-justiciable.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is false but R is true
33. The concept of welfare State is included in the Constitution of India in the:
A. Directive Principles
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Fundamental Duties
D. Preamble
34. In which of the following ways Indian citizenship can be acquired?
A. By birth
B. By descent
C. By registration
D. By the incorporation of territory
E. All of these
35. Which of the following qualifications are necessary for a person who acquires citizenship by naturalisation in India?
A. He is not subject or citizen of any country where the citizens of Indian are debarred from becoming subjects or citizens of that country by naturalisation
B. That he has given up the citizenship of that country according to the law of that country and has notified to the central government
C. Throughout the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application he has either been residing in India or been in the service of India
D. All of the above
36. Can the qualifications of acquiring natural citizenship be waived? Under which conditions can these be waived?
A. Yes, if a person has rendered distinguished service to the cause of science or art, philosophy or literature
B. Yes, if the applicant has rendered service for world peace
C. Yes, if the applicant worked for human progress in general
D. All of the above
37. How can the Indian citizenship be terminated?
A. By renunciation
B. By termination
C. By deprivation
D. All of the above
38. Under what circumstances Indian citizenship can not be terminated?
A. At the time of emergency
B. At the time of war
C. At the time of elections
D. All of these
39. Will a citizen of India who acquires naturalised citizenship of a foreign country lose his Indian citizenship by termination?
A. Yes
B. No
C. if he intimates
D. if he wants to terminate
40. Is there any separate citizenship of State in India?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Under certain circumstances
D. None of the above
41. Which of the following will be considered permanently domiciled in India?
A. Those who have permanent home in India
B. Were born within the territory of India
C. Either of whose parents was born in the territory of India
D. Have been residing in the territory of India for not less than five years before the commencement of the Indian Constitution
E. All of the above
42. Which one is competent to amend the law relating to Indian citizenship?
A. Parliament
B. President
C. Prime Minister
D. Council of Ministers
43. Which of the following is not a qualification for a person to become a citizen of India?
A. To be born in India
B. To descend from parents either of whom is Indian
C. To love in the country for a specified period of time
D. To have some property
44. One who is a good citizen is:
A. aware of his social duties
B. educated
C. a regular tax payer
D. socially and politically well informed
45. Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens are contained in ____ of the “Indian Constitution”.
A. Part I
B. Part II
C. Part III
D. Part IV
46. Fundamental Rights of the citizens are:
A. non-justiciable
B. justiciable
C. justiciabel if the highest court feels it should be
D. some rights are justiciable while other are not
47. The main principle under the fundamental rights granted to the Indian citizens is to provide them:
A. opportunity for growth and development
B. freedom from exploitation
C. social and economic equality
D. freedom of speech and association
48. Equality before law also means that no man is above law in the country. The only exception made in the Constitution relates to the:
A. President and the Governor
B. Prime Minister
C. Chief Justice of India
D. There is no exception
49. The authority competent to suspend the operation of “Fundamental Rights” guaranteed under the Constitution of India is:
A. Supreme Court
B. Parliament
C. Prime Minister
D. President of India
50. Fundamental Rights can be classified into:
A. 6 groups
B. 5 groups
C. 8 groups
D. 7 groups
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