GO for JRT recruitment vacancy 29324 release now ……
Congratulation all jrt applicant from UP.
Ready for Counseling from 7th july…..
Important document need at at counselling list here–
1. 10th maskseet & certificate
2. 12th markseet & certificate
3. graduation markseets
4. graduation certificate/provisional
5.B.Ed. /BTC markseet&certificate/ provisional
6. cast certificate for OBC SC ST
7.DOMICILE certificate
8.TET/CTET certificate
9.ncte letter ( b.ed. college ka )
10.ID PROOF ( As application form
11. charecter certificate ( last Institute )
12. Online registration form
13. fees slip
14.final printout of application form
15.do 10 rupees ka stamp paper ( is pr kya likhna wo diet me btaya jayega)
16. 5 Photos
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