Techniques for find Square root

Dear Frnds

        After discusss many techniques for find square ,Now we explain how yor get perfect square root in very lesser time.

What is perfect square – If any number square end with last no.1,4,5,6,9 known as perfect square.

       So we can find square root of any perfect square quickly by technique-—


            First we understand all perfect square last digit 5 numbers ie

                1.     4.      5.       6.     9
               |      |       |        |      |
of no.     1 ,9. 2 , 8.   5.    4, 6   3,7

Example – Find value of √9801.

            √9801 =——
write with pair last 2 digit                                                                        = √98|01
Last 2 digit  Square of =      1 , 9

Find nearest square   10,9
        Square of 10=100
        Square of 9 =81

Note :we always take lesser square value no.
Here lesser value is 81 and his no is 9


Now possibile no.-
                   And.            99
              Now compare with No. End 5.  Square  ie 95
               ( 95)²=9025

9025 is less than given no.9801

So Square of no 99 is 9801

                Ans is √9801=99

Example 2 -Find value √44944

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