Fends, We known that Speed and Accuracy are keys of competitive mathematics .So we start a series Magic (Technique) for improve your solving SPEED.
Basic equipments (tools) for magic –
1-Learn table till 30
2-Learn square till 30
3-Learn cube till 20
4- BODMAS rules for simplification
Multiple of Two digit (if a number is lesser 20) :
Prob- 34×16
Trick 1- 340+204
Step 1- Take greater number here. -34
Step 2- Place a zero ‘0’
Become like- 340
Step 3- Greater no multiply by last digit of other no
Like 34×6 =204
Step 4- Add step2 and step 3
Trick 2-
4×6=2…4 (Mental calculation)
Step 2-
1×3=3 + 2
Now by step 3+ step 2+step 1
Its require more practice but this is universal rule for two digit multification.
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