Dear Frnds
Last article related to How solve Age Related problems, Now we find how solve Average Questions Quickly ……
We know that …
Sum of Quantities
Average =—————————
Number of Quantities
Consecutive Numbers =x,x+1,x+2,X+3……..
ODD/EVEN Consecutive no.are-
Q. If five consecutive no.average is 28 then find highest no.this series.
Solution :
Number of this series –5
Average of this series –28
It means series middle no …28
So highest no. is- 30(‘-‘)
Q2. If average of 8 ODD consecutive no. is 18 then find least no of this series.
Solution –
Average -18
Series. Odd-
So no. Before/ after middle -8/2
= 4(even)
11,13,15,17 | 19,21,23,25
So here least no is-11(‘-‘)
Q.3 The average of 30 Students in a class is 10years.If the Class teachers age be included, the average age become 11 years. Find the age of Class teachers.
Total age of 30 Students =30×10
Total age 30student+1Teacher
So Age of only teacher =341-300
Q4 The average of 6 numbers is 8.What is 7th number so that average become 10.
Solution :
7th no is=Total of 7 no.—Total. of 6 no.
= 7*10-6*8