Practice Paper CCC

                          1: A client program used to access the Internet services and resources available through the World Wide Web.(A)ISP (B)Web Browsers(C) Web Servers (D)None of the above2 “When a computer prints a report, this output is called_____.”(A)hard copy (B)soft copy (C)COM (D)None of the above3″=ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays” (A)2 (B)2.1 (C)2.2 (D)None of the above4″=MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays”(A) -1 (B)1(C) -1.5(D) 05″To change the size of the chart without changing its proportion, then you have to press _____ as you drag a corner handle”(B) [Shift] (B) [Alt] …

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CCC Examination Result 2014 OUT

Dear friend                            If your are waited for CCC result month of September  Result out  …. Now you can see your result from here…… Check Your Result  SEP2013 Check Your Result  April 2014 Practice Paper CCC Do you Like this if Yes (‘-‘) Please share to friends and freely discussion on comments box. Also here a discussion forum for make your forum to share experience of interview, Exam papers or your knowledge with others. Happy Teaching Tools | Manav Sampda | Mission Prerna l ICT l Primary ka Master l …

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CCC Sample Paper | Solved Paper| Computer Practice Paper

 1: A client program used to access the Internet services and resources available through the World Wide Web.(A)ISP (B)Web Browsers(C) Web Servers (D)None of the above 2 “When a computer prints a report, this output is called_____.”(A)hard copy (B)soft copy (C)COM (D)None of the above 3″=ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays” (A)2 (B)2.1 (C)2.2 (D)None of the above 4″=MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays”(A) -1 (B)1(C) -1.5(D) 05″To change the size of the chart without changing its proportion, then you have to press _____ as you drag a corner handle” (B) [Shift] (B) [Alt] (C) [Ctrl] (D) [F11] 6The default page …

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