Important units of measurement in physics
Dear friends units is a important part of physics so most probably chance to more than two question in UPTET 2013. Name of 7 fundamental units—Fundamental Quantities —- UnitsLength. —-meter Mass. —-kilogramTime. —-second Temperature. —-kelvin (K) Electric current. —-ampere(A) Luminous intensity -candela(cd) Molecular quantity -mole. (mole) 1 day =86400second Tera (10¹²) Giga (10^9) Mega (10^6) Kilo (10³) Hecto(10²) Deca(10¹) Base Decided(10-¹) Centi(10-²) Mili (10-³) Micro (10-6) Nano (10-9) Pico (10-¹²)Note– 1angstrom (A°)=10-¹° meter Use for Light wave .1 Light year=9.46×10¹5 meter =10¹6meter(aprox)Momentum unit =kg×ms-¹Impulse of aforce=newton×secondUnit of Motion =ms-¹ Acceleration =ms-²(^V/s) Force=kg×ms-² (F=ma) Also known as=newtonUnit of Gravitational force=newton …