Techniques for find Square root

Dear Frnds         After discusss many techniques for find square ,Now we explain how yor get perfect square root in very lesser time. What is perfect square – If any number square end with last no.1,4,5,6,9 known as perfect square.        So we can find square root of any perfect square quickly by technique-— Method-             First we understand all perfect square last digit 5 numbers ie                 1.     4.      5.       6.     9               |      |       |        |      |Square of no.     1 ,9. 2 , 8.   5.    4, 6   3,7 Example – Find value of √9801.             √9801 =——STEP1:              …

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Find square of 3 and 4 digits

Dear frnds       We want make your calculations easy  And fast…. So new.. Next trick wait you….Kindly Share post with friends and also follow us at FB page And Google page. Tricks for find 3 digit square: Example. Find value (233)².                   (233)²=——————Step1 Write no. as         233= 200(Two digit Zero)+33     ( 233)²=(200+33)²Step2– Place formula (A+B)²-               (A+B)²=A² + 2AB + B² (200|33)²= 200² + 2×200×33 +33²                =4 0000+ 132 00+1089                =54289Ans is (233)²=54289 Example 2Find value of (316)²                (316)²= 3² |2×3×1|2×3×6+1²|2×1×6| 6²               = 09 |6|37|12 |  36               =—— — —   —  —                   |  | |   |   |     |               =  …

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Techniques for find square value

Case 1 –Find square from 51-59 Example 1 Find Square of 57                (5 7)²=————                 |  |Step1–     5²+7=25+7                       =32Step2-     Square of last digit                                  ( 7)²= 49Ans. from Step1 and Step2              (57)²=Step 1 Step 2                     =3349Example 2- Find square of 53.                 (53)²=(25+3)3²                         =2809Formula for it—–                           (  XY)²=(X²+Y)(Y)² Case 2: Find Square between 91-99 Example 1 Find square of 96.             (96)²=————Step1. Find difference with 100                100-96=4Step 2. Subtract from given no.                             |                        96-4=92Step 3. Square of step 1 value                      (4)²=16 Ans by step 2 and step 3            (96)²=92 16 Example 2             Find value (93)²-             …

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